Monday, March 15, 2010

Siwa - Day 3

Third day trip to Siwa 1st of March, 2010 16:44

Total Distance: 355.14km
Distance: 122.2km
average speed: 18.6km/h

Excerpts from my diary:
After three days you adapt to this kind of life, which I find very intriguing. Today I cycled about 95km in the northern coast road, way better than the Alex road the sea on your right, much less traffic. The weather is great too, with light wind.

Photos link:


  1. excuse me, the total distance is more than twice the distance, that mean you faced many uphills and downhills? or I just misunderstood what the values refer to?

  2. ok, I get it now after I read the rest of the days, I misunderstood what they refer to :)

  3. by distance i mean the day's distance
    total distance is the accumulated distance up to that day :-) sorry for not being very clear
